Ecuador:  The Landscape Of The Pacific Coast Region

Nossi College of Art in Nashville Tennessee celebrated its 45th anniversary and approached me to see if I would be interested in going to Ecuador to teach a photography travel class abroad. This would be the first travel abroad class for the college. In April, thirteen students and I flew into Guayaquil to begin an 8-day adventure.
The goal of this trip was to capture the landscape, the personalities of the people, the food, and the culture. Showcasing the lifestyle, food, and habitat of the locals was a key element while on our journey

With more than 25 years of experience as a commercial photographer, my knowledge and ability helped manage the group, offer technical advice, and keep everyone on track. I shot behind the scenes alongside the students, creating blog content for myself and the college upon our return to the US. 

This challenging trip was an Ecuador Paparazzi assignment of sorts. The students were excited because no one from our Nashville group had ever been to Ecuador, and we had no idea what to expect.

These are some of my favorite landscape photos of the Pacific coast region in Ecuador. 
They were shot while teaching and exploring with the travel abroad class.

The gear and software I used on this trip it is listed below:

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